Friday, April 20, 2018

Ssshhhh Koi Hai : Episode 02

Sshhhh Koi Hai : Episode 2 
Vikraal Aur Amril Jheel

Vikraal Aur Amril Jheel is a story of a forest where there is a availability of sacred water which can  cure any kind of diseases even the strong diseases like Cancer. So, what happens in this story is all about Vikraal's Professors son Cancer and he has only 12 hours of Survival until that he has get the water and he can be saved. And Here starts the story where Vikraal was guided by the professor about the place and Vikraal understood and finally gets ready with all his weapons and bike and also with Lily. And Suddenly comes up and in search of his 7 coins which was kept by Vikraal according to him and he runs behinds them and while going suddenly they came across a peron who looked like a human being of the forest but he was a ghost. Vikraal asked him the directions of the place and there suddenly he speaks and Vikraal wents on going to the place and they reach there found a ghost was sitting there and crying and Vikraal with red glasses checks whether the lady sitting and crying was a ghost or a human being and he found that she was a ghost and if someone gets the flower she attacks and kills anyone who come across. Then finally Gabroo comes and there what happens is Lily loved the flowers and asks Vikraal to get her one of it . And Vikraal annoyingly said "If I bring that for you and suddenly if the ghost gets alive then I will reject you and keep her as my secretary". But Gabroo didn't want to see lily heart broken. Therefore he brought a flower for her.  And he falls into trouble where the ghost appeared again and Vikraal came from the back side and kills the ghost with his crossbow and commands both Lily and Gabroo to strictly follow him. There while going they found three dead bodies soul surpasses them and due to weakness in Lily's body, she gets faint and gets unconscious and later Vikraal takes her up and finally she was fine and both rested for few minutes and there suddenly Gabroo takes away Vikraal's red glasses and runs away and Vikraal keeps calm as he knew that he will surely return and suddenly he returns as he saw a ghost running behind him through the glass but originally the ghost seems as a goat and then Gabroo reaches to Vikraal and Vikraal scolds him and asks his glass back and then they move on for the sacred water and they reach there and something wrong took place and the the protector of water gets alive and captures lily and keeps condition to answer three questions thrown by him. Vikraal agrees and puts one more condition on him to free lily from the capture. Finally, he questions Vikraal three puzzles and Vikraal solves the answers very cleverly and finally, the demon asks his own name as a question but Vikraal was unable to answer but thinks how can he answer his questions but finds out the last page of the book which gabroo was holding with map provided by the Professor. And Finally , He answers all the questions and the demon vanishes and freed Lily but attached Vikraal on is left stomach and Vikraal fell down and lily and Gabroo both helped him to save him by provided him the sacred water and finally Vikraal got his consciousness and finally took a bottle of water and went for the professors house and there they gave that sacred water to the professor's grandson and finally they are happy and the professor rewarded 20 lack rupees to fulfil his dream and finally lily and vikraal handshakes and went back to there office.

And thats the end of the story . Hope you all have loved it. 

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