Thursday, April 26, 2018

Ssshhhh Koi Hai : Episode 3

In this episode of Ssshhh Koi Hai , Khaufnak Kada , suddenly , Vikraal gets a call from a minister and there they have found a kada from the hill where they caught one thief and the theif spoke his sardar's name . So like this these total informations weere provided to Vikraal after Vikraal reaches the minister's office and finally after sometime Vikraal agrees to go to see the kada and keep it on the safety. So Vikraal wents up to his office gets ready and in between Gabroo wears the kada and coverted to zombie and devil and Vikraal finally catches out and they left for the jungle through which they can reach teh devil sardar , the man behind the kada. After reaching the jungle , Vikraal provides lily and gabroo a locket containing "OM" Symbol which he wears along with Lily, Gabroo both wore it and finally they moved on . Suddenly after a  while they meet a man heading towards the jungle to take anaj(rice) for his sardaar and suddenly he gets into the border of negative energy and his nature got a change and he started shouting at Vikraal but still Vikraal helps him getting back the anaj bag and finally they moved on and in the middle of somewhere they find a witch who was about to kill Gabroo but finally played an important role in saving his life and killing the witch. And then they moves on and meets Gabroo's Mausi "Gori Daayan" who prepares a soup of repitiles and give them and suddenly Vikraal discover by drinking the soup they immediately got vanished . And finally Vikraal met up another devil and kills him and finally the devil is killed and at the end Vikraal meets the sardar and kills the Sardaar and wears both the kada and converts himself to a powerful devil but wasting no time the voice of Guruji spoke to him about his target and essense of his life and without wasting a single minute Vikaal understood and opens up the kada and finally all are saved and Vikraal returns back to office where he suddenly meets guruji who spoke to him about the limitation of going outside the town. Because his life is in danger and Vikraal finally agrees and understood it and then he decides to clean the ghosts of the town itself and then it continued to the next episode.

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