Monday, April 16, 2018

Travel Show : Yatra & Musafir Hoon Yaaron

It was always a sunny day and fun day called as Sunday and I use to wake up early in the morning from 4am to watch Vikraal (Its missed out episodes because the show use to repeat in the morning at 4am early in the morning in Star Plus. But after that the show comes up at 9am or 10am I forgot that . But I remember that a wonderful show named "Yatra" use to come which was represented by actress

"Deepti Bhatnagar" she was beautiful and wonderfully she use to visit the places and use to give us knowledge about the holy places in India . She visits all across the world and does the episodes and it continued to come always in the morning on Sunday.

Again at the same day on Sunday at the afternooon, we had another show named "Musafir Hoon Yaaron" which was represented by again "Deepti Bhatnagar" where she use to visit out of India places and shows us the things around and gives us the knowledge of the places.

On my Later post, I shall post something more about these shows. Till then wait for my upcoming posts to come. Keep in touch.

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